This word guessing game is set with a singer theme.
How to Play
As the player opens the page, he/she is will see the statement to press any key to start the game.
The player will see the displayed number of underscore characters, which represent each letter in a one-word singer name that is to be guessed.
As the player presses a letter key and it matches a letter in the word, that letter will replace the corresponding underscore. Otherwise, if there's not a match, this letter will be displayed in the "Letters Already Guessed" box, and the count in the "Number of Guesses Remaining" goes down by 1 count. (The player has 10 chances to press a matching letter.)
WIN: If the player successfully pressed all the letter keys matching the word, the "Win" count goes up, and a new word to be guessed is displayed, "Number of Guesses Remaining" returns to 10, and clears any letters in the "Letters Already Guessed" box.
LOSS: If the player's pressed letter keys did not match the word, and exhausted the 10 chances, the "Losses" count goes up, and a new word to be guessed is displayed, "Number of Guesses Remaining" returns to 10, and clears any letters in the "Letters Already Guessed" box.