Project overview
Rooky is helping developers to succeed by making it easy to discover opportunities. Rooky provides tools for web developers to find the right job and the right people to work with. The primary goal of Rooky is to help individuals find meaningful work in the tech industry. Rooky accomplishes this goal by providing interviewing tips, jobs that are updated daily, and a map that shares developer locations for networking.
APIs and Frameworks
Google Maps API -
Detects and pans to current location. The form validates inputs such as the information provided in the form and the longitude and latitude of the pin.
The Muse API -
Conducts a search for jobs that fit the query input. Returns a list of jobs in the selected city metro area. Displays the jobs on the web page.
New York Times API -
Returns relevant articles to the user.
JQuery was used to handle click events, dynamic behavior, and form value collection.
Firebase Real-Time Database -
Firebase is used to store user input and then referenced to display information to all users.
GitHub Pages -
Our app was deployed using Github Pages.
Git Hub Repo
Live Demo