Cinema Snapshot

Project overview

Cinema Snapshot is a movie search application. One can search a movie of interest by the title, which will populated some related movies through OMDB API. Some movies are listed on home page that are showed up through OMDB API. One can get the description of a movie by clicking on more detail button where, you can watch the movie trailer which are get through ‘THE MOVIE DB’ API. You can also find the URL of a website for that movie by clicking on watch now button.
On the menu bar one can find the list of popular and top rated movies. The list of movies are shown by using TMDB API.

Technologies Utilized

  • NodeJS
  • JavaScript
  • Express
  • Bootstrap
  • MVC
  • Handlbars
  • OMDB API and The Movie DB API

My Roll in project

In this project I worked on User Interface, Manage APIs, fetching data from API, Handlebar, CSS and Bootstrap.

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